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X86_64架构,ICC编译选项 mon-red-zon是啥

沃尔夫斯堡的羊 2020-01-23 浏览量:847
如题,在X86_64架构中,ICC工具链编译选项 mon-red-zo​ne是什么意思?有哪位大神指点一下?好像是和X86_64架构中函数调用堆栈的使用有关?在使用makefile编译过程中,不加此选项时,elf文件加载运行起来一会儿就会死在某个地方,加了之后就不会出现此种状况,可以正常跑起来。。。
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  • 你给的信息有误,是mno-red-zone!


    What is the 'red-zone'?

    The red-zone is a feature described in the x86-64 ABI.

    It is a 128 byte long region located directly below the stack pointer. This region is free-for-use for the compiler without the requirement to notify the application / the os or any running interrupt handler.

    For user applications there is no issue as interrupts and other kernel related code won't interfere with the user stack. In your kernel however things can get ugly especially so if you have nested interrupts and no red-zone support. Imagine running inside your interrupt handler gcc puts some data inside the red zone a nested interrupt occurs and clobbers the red-zone or vice versa.

    To get around this the red-zone can be disabled by passing -mno-red-zone to GCC.

    x86_64-elf-gcc $CFLAGS -mno-red-zone ...



X86_64架构,ICC编译选项 mon-red-zon是啥