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LPC1778-EVB KEIL linking error

13060939415 2018-05-04 浏览量:1476
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Warning: L6170W: Mapping symbol #33 '$t' in .bss(GUIAA_Lib_d5.o:7) identifies code but is in a section not marked as executable.
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Warning: L6170W: Mapping symbol #31 '$t' in .bss(GUI_Timer_d5.o:7) identifies code but is in a section not marked as executable.
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Warning: L6170W: Mapping symbol #7 '$t' in .bss(GUI__ManageCache_d5.o:7) identifies code but is in a section not marked as executable.
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Warning: L6170W: Mapping symbol #19 '$t' in .bss(GUI_Curs1_d5.o:8) identifies code but is in a section not marked as executable.
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Warning: L6170W: Mapping symbol #89 '$t' in .bss(GUI_SetAlpha_d5.o:7) identifies code but is in a section not marked as executable.
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Warning: L6170W: Mapping symbol #19 '$t' in .bss(GUI__Alpha_d5.o:7) identifies code but is in a section not marked as executable.
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Error: L6405E: No .ANY selector matches GUI_SetAlpha_d5.o(.bss).
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Error: L6405E: No .ANY selector matches GUI__ManageCache_d5.o(.bss).
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Error: L6405E: No .ANY selector matches GUIAA_Lib_d5.o(.bss).
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Error: L6405E: No .ANY selector matches GUI__Alpha_d5.o(.bss).
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Error: L6405E: No .ANY selector matches GUI_Timer_d5.o(.bss).
..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf: Error: L6405E: No .ANY selector matches GUI_Curs1_d5.o(.bss).
Not enough information to list image symbols.
Not enough information to list the image map.
Finished: 2 information 6 warning and 6 error messages.
"..\Output\070Inch-AFM-NoStr.axf" - 6 Error(s) 6 Warning(s).
0 0 收起


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LPC1778-EVB KEIL linking error