
  • hayden
  • LV5工程师
  • |      2017-11-21 20:46:53
  • 浏览量 1843
  • 回复:5
本帖最后由 hayden 于 2017-11-21 20:00 编辑 自己玩了例程以后,想恢复拿到板子开机看到的画面怎么办,也就是想恢复出厂设置怎么办? 下面我们就来恢复出厂固件 重新领略一下LCD图形显示的魅力!高清图又来了,看着舒服,所以有用来镇楼了;P 出厂程序,第一页是视频播放、音乐播放、模拟表盘、录音机(从上图可以大概有所了解了,只不过USB是录音机) 第二页、只有一个板子信息显示,具体的可以看我们下面恢复出厂设置后的截图 恢复出厂设置的关键是要从海一样的官方资料里捞到那个出厂源码 找了半天,发现不认识单词的吃亏了:L Demonstration不就是Demo的缩写吗,天天嚷着Demo却不知道它的真身,悲哀! 就是他了,MDK打开,看到详细的使用说明
@par How to use it ? 

In order to make the program work, you must do the following :

 - Open your preferred toolchain 

 - Rebuild all files

 - Open STM32 ST-Link Utility V4.1.0, click on "External Loader" from the bar menu then check "MX25L512G_STM32F723E-DISCO" box 

 - Connect the STM32F723E-DISCO board to PC with USB cable through CN1

 - Use "STM32CubeDemo_STM32F723E-DISCO_V1.1.0.hex" file with STM32 ST-Link Utility to program both internal Flash and external QSPI memory

 - Run the demonstration

 - copy the audio and video files provided under "Utilities/Media/" in the USB disk

 - Plug USB disk on CN19 connector 

@Note  If the user code size exceeds the DTCM-RAM size or starts from internal cacheable memories (SRAM1 and SRAM2),

       it is recommended to configure the latters as Write Through.

       This is ensured by configuring the memory attributes at MPU level in order to ensure cache coherence on SRAM1 and SRAM2.

       Please, refer to Template project for a typical MPU configuration.

@Note  If external memory is shared between several processors, it is recommended to configure it as Write Back (bufferable), shareable and cacheable.

       The memory base address and size must be properly updated.

       The user needs to manage the cache coherence at application level.

For more details about the MPU configuration and use, please refer to AN4838 “Managing memory protection unit (MPU) in STM32 MCUs”
悲哀的是找了半天才找到main.c文件,文件太多了 开始编译,我这电脑差点没死机,编译量太大了,等了5 五六分钟才编译完成 见证奇迹的时刻到了,点击下载。。。。。 不能忍,居然下载失败! STM32F7的MDK支持包也安装了,检查一下正常 头疼????????????? 经过冷静的思考以前报的类似错误,基本都是flash选的不对,查看了其他自带例程的flash设置删掉了原来的,改成这样 结果试了一下,能下载成功了,很不解!STM32F723E-DISCO开发板使用的 是F723而这个为什么是STM32F7x2,又明白的大神欢迎回复,指教 虽然下载成功了,但是打开画面,插点眼瞎,图形这都变成什么了! 重新解压了en.stm32cubef7压缩包,看到flash官方默认设置如下,还以为还是flash设置不对的原因 结果重新下载后图标还是不正常 仔细研读上面的使用说明(doc/readme.txt),发现是要用ST-Link Utility V4.1.0软件下载 跑到ST官网去下载了一个并安装 打开ST-Link Utility软件按照说明文档下载固件
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阿里山大 2017-11-28
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hayden 回复 2017-11-28
活动已结束,是分批的活动,请关注下批次活动 https://www.icxbk.com/try/detail/228.html
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hayden 2017-11-21
辛辛苦苦花了一天写的帖子就这样死在了论坛bug上,好不甘心 不能改写了,而且还丢了文字 还好图很全,凑合着用吧,我也无能为力了
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