适合具备 C 语言基础的 C++ 教程(六)

wenzi 嵌入式软件
发布时间: 2021-02-22
阅读: 1473
"); markdownTextarea = this.markdownTextarea = editor.children("textarea"); } markdownTextarea.addClass(classNames.textarea.markdown).attr("placeholder", settings.placeholder); if (typeof markdownTextarea.attr("name") === "undefined" || markdownTextarea.attr("name") === "") { markdownTextarea.attr("name", (settings.name !== "") ? settings.name : id + "-markdown-doc"); } var appendElements = [ (!settings.readOnly) ? "" : "", ( (settings.saveHTMLToTextarea) ? "" : "" ), "
", "
", "
" ].join("\n"); editor.append(appendElements).addClass(classPrefix + "vertical"); if (settings.theme !== "") { editor.addClass(classPrefix + "theme-" + settings.theme); } this.mask = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "mask"); this.containerMask = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "container-mask"); if (settings.markdown !== "") { markdownTextarea.val(settings.markdown); } if (settings.appendMarkdown !== "") { markdownTextarea.val(markdownTextarea.val() + settings.appendMarkdown); } this.htmlTextarea = editor.children("." + classNames.textarea.html); this.preview = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "preview"); this.previewContainer = this.preview.children("." + classPrefix + "preview-container"); if (settings.previewTheme !== "") { this.preview.addClass(classPrefix + "preview-theme-" + settings.previewTheme); } if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { if (typeof katex !== "undefined") { editormd.$katex = katex; } if (settings.searchReplace && !settings.readOnly) { editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog"); editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/addon/search/matchesonscrollbar"); } } if ((typeof define === "function" && define.amd) || !settings.autoLoadModules) { if (typeof CodeMirror !== "undefined") { editormd.$CodeMirror = CodeMirror; } if (typeof marked !== "undefined") { editormd.$marked = marked; } this.setCodeMirror().setToolbar().loadedDisplay(); } else { this.loadQueues(); } return this; }, /** * 所需组件加载队列 * Required components loading queue * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ loadQueues : function() { var _this = this; var settings = this.settings; var loadPath = settings.path; var loadFlowChartOrSequenceDiagram = function() { if (editormd.isIE8) { _this.loadedDisplay(); return ; } if (settings.flowChart || settings.sequenceDiagram) { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "raphael.min", function() { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "underscore.min", function() { if (!settings.flowChart && settings.sequenceDiagram) { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "sequence-diagram.min", function() { _this.loadedDisplay(); }); } else if (settings.flowChart && !settings.sequenceDiagram) { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "flowchart.min", function() { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "jquery.flowchart.min", function() { _this.loadedDisplay(); }); }); } else if (settings.flowChart && settings.sequenceDiagram) { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "flowchart.min", function() { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "jquery.flowchart.min", function() { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "sequence-diagram.min", function() { _this.loadedDisplay(); }); }); }); } }); }); } else { _this.loadedDisplay(); } }; editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/codemirror.min"); if (settings.searchReplace && !settings.readOnly) { editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog"); editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/addon/search/matchesonscrollbar"); } if (settings.codeFold) { editormd.loadCSS(loadPath + "codemirror/addon/fold/foldgutter"); } editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/codemirror.min", function() { editormd.$CodeMirror = CodeMirror; editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/modes.min", function() { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "codemirror/addons.min", function() { _this.setCodeMirror(); if (settings.mode !== "gfm" && settings.mode !== "markdown") { _this.loadedDisplay(); return false; } _this.setToolbar(); editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "marked.min", function() { editormd.$marked = marked; if (settings.previewCodeHighlight) { editormd.loadScript(loadPath + "prettify.min", function() { loadFlowChartOrSequenceDiagram(); }); } else { loadFlowChartOrSequenceDiagram(); } }); }); }); }); return this; }, /** * 设置 Editor.md 的整体主题,主要是工具栏 * Setting Editor.md theme * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setTheme : function(theme) { var editor = this.editor; var oldTheme = this.settings.theme; var themePrefix = this.classPrefix + "theme-"; editor.removeClass(themePrefix + oldTheme).addClass(themePrefix + theme); this.settings.theme = theme; return this; }, /** * 设置 CodeMirror(编辑区)的主题 * Setting CodeMirror (Editor area) theme * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setEditorTheme : function(theme) { var settings = this.settings; settings.editorTheme = theme; if (theme !== "default") { editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/theme/" + settings.editorTheme); } this.cm.setOption("theme", theme); return this; }, /** * setEditorTheme() 的别名 * setEditorTheme() alias * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setCodeMirrorTheme : function (theme) { this.setEditorTheme(theme); return this; }, /** * 设置 Editor.md 的主题 * Setting Editor.md theme * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setPreviewTheme : function(theme) { var preview = this.preview; var oldTheme = this.settings.previewTheme; var themePrefix = this.classPrefix + "preview-theme-"; preview.removeClass(themePrefix + oldTheme).addClass(themePrefix + theme); this.settings.previewTheme = theme; return this; }, /** * 配置和初始化CodeMirror组件 * CodeMirror initialization * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setCodeMirror : function() { var settings = this.settings; var editor = this.editor; if (settings.editorTheme !== "default") { editormd.loadCSS(settings.path + "codemirror/theme/" + settings.editorTheme); } var codeMirrorConfig = { mode : settings.mode, theme : settings.editorTheme, tabSize : settings.tabSize, dragDrop : false, autofocus : settings.autoFocus, autoCloseTags : settings.autoCloseTags, readOnly : (settings.readOnly) ? "nocursor" : false, indentUnit : settings.indentUnit, lineNumbers : settings.lineNumbers, lineWrapping : settings.lineWrapping, extraKeys : { "Ctrl-Q": function(cm) { cm.foldCode(cm.getCursor()); } }, foldGutter : settings.codeFold, gutters : ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"], matchBrackets : settings.matchBrackets, indentWithTabs : settings.indentWithTabs, styleActiveLine : settings.styleActiveLine, styleSelectedText : settings.styleSelectedText, autoCloseBrackets : settings.autoCloseBrackets, showTrailingSpace : settings.showTrailingSpace, highlightSelectionMatches : ( (!settings.matchWordHighlight) ? false : { showToken: (settings.matchWordHighlight === "onselected") ? false : /\w/ } ) }; this.codeEditor = this.cm = editormd.$CodeMirror.fromTextArea(this.markdownTextarea[0], codeMirrorConfig); this.codeMirror = this.cmElement = editor.children(".CodeMirror"); if (settings.value !== "") { this.cm.setValue(settings.value); } this.codeMirror.css({ fontSize : settings.fontSize, width : (!settings.watch) ? "100%" : "50%" }); if (settings.autoHeight) { this.codeMirror.css("height", "auto"); this.cm.setOption("viewportMargin", Infinity); } if (!settings.lineNumbers) { this.codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-gutters").css("border-right", "none"); } return this; }, /** * 获取CodeMirror的配置选项 * Get CodeMirror setting options * * @returns {Mixed} return CodeMirror setting option value */ getCodeMirrorOption : function(key) { return this.cm.getOption(key); }, /** * 配置和重配置CodeMirror的选项 * CodeMirror setting options / resettings * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setCodeMirrorOption : function(key, value) { this.cm.setOption(key, value); return this; }, /** * 添加 CodeMirror 键盘快捷键 * Add CodeMirror keyboard shortcuts key map * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ addKeyMap : function(map, bottom) { this.cm.addKeyMap(map, bottom); return this; }, /** * 移除 CodeMirror 键盘快捷键 * Remove CodeMirror keyboard shortcuts key map * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ removeKeyMap : function(map) { this.cm.removeKeyMap(map); return this; }, /** * 跳转到指定的行 * Goto CodeMirror line * * @param {String|Intiger} line line number or "first"|"last" * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ gotoLine : function (line) { var settings = this.settings; if (!settings.gotoLine) { return this; } var cm = this.cm; var editor = this.editor; var count = cm.lineCount(); var preview = this.preview; if (typeof line === "string") { if(line === "last") { line = count; } if (line === "first") { line = 1; } } if (typeof line !== "number") { alert("Error: The line number must be an integer."); return this; } line = parseInt(line) - 1; if (line > count) { alert("Error: The line number range 1-" + count); return this; } cm.setCursor( {line : line, ch : 0} ); var scrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo(); var clientHeight = scrollInfo.clientHeight; var coords = cm.charCoords({line : line, ch : 0}, "local"); cm.scrollTo(null, (coords.top + coords.bottom - clientHeight) / 2); if (settings.watch) { var cmScroll = this.codeMirror.find(".CodeMirror-scroll")[0]; var height = $(cmScroll).height(); var scrollTop = cmScroll.scrollTop; var percent = (scrollTop / cmScroll.scrollHeight); if (scrollTop === 0) { preview.scrollTop(0); } else if (scrollTop + height >= cmScroll.scrollHeight - 16) { preview.scrollTop(preview[0].scrollHeight); } else { preview.scrollTop(preview[0].scrollHeight * percent); } } cm.focus(); return this; }, /** * 扩展当前实例对象,可同时设置多个或者只设置一个 * Extend editormd instance object, can mutil setting. * * @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.) */ extend : function() { if (typeof arguments[1] !== "undefined") { if (typeof arguments[1] === "function") { arguments[1] = $.proxy(arguments[1], this); } this[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]; } if (typeof arguments[0] === "object" && typeof arguments[0].length === "undefined") { $.extend(true, this, arguments[0]); } return this; }, /** * 设置或扩展当前实例对象,单个设置 * Extend editormd instance object, one by one * * @param {String|Object} key option key * @param {String|Object} value option value * @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.) */ set : function (key, value) { if (typeof value !== "undefined" && typeof value === "function") { value = $.proxy(value, this); } this[key] = value; return this; }, /** * 重新配置 * Resetting editor options * * @param {String|Object} key option key * @param {String|Object} value option value * @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.) */ config : function(key, value) { var settings = this.settings; if (typeof key === "object") { settings = $.extend(true, settings, key); } if (typeof key === "string") { settings[key] = value; } this.settings = settings; this.recreate(); return this; }, /** * 注册事件处理方法 * Bind editor event handle * * @param {String} eventType event type * @param {Function} callback 回调函数 * @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.) */ on : function(eventType, callback) { var settings = this.settings; if (typeof settings["on" + eventType] !== "undefined") { settings["on" + eventType] = $.proxy(callback, this); } return this; }, /** * 解除事件处理方法 * Unbind editor event handle * * @param {String} eventType event type * @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.) */ off : function(eventType) { var settings = this.settings; if (typeof settings["on" + eventType] !== "undefined") { settings["on" + eventType] = function(){}; } return this; }, /** * 显示工具栏 * Display toolbar * * @param {Function} [callback=function(){}] 回调函数 * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ showToolbar : function(callback) { var settings = this.settings; if(settings.readOnly) { return this; } if (settings.toolbar && (this.toolbar.length < 1 || this.toolbar.find("." + this.classPrefix + "menu").html() === "") ) { this.setToolbar(); } settings.toolbar = true; this.toolbar.show(); this.resize(); $.proxy(callback || function(){}, this)(); return this; }, /** * 隐藏工具栏 * Hide toolbar * * @param {Function} [callback=function(){}] 回调函数 * @returns {editormd} this(editormd instance object.) */ hideToolbar : function(callback) { var settings = this.settings; settings.toolbar = false; this.toolbar.hide(); this.resize(); $.proxy(callback || function(){}, this)(); return this; }, /** * 页面滚动时工具栏的固定定位 * Set toolbar in window scroll auto fixed position * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setToolbarAutoFixed : function(fixed) { var state = this.state; var editor = this.editor; var toolbar = this.toolbar; var settings = this.settings; if (typeof fixed !== "undefined") { settings.toolbarAutoFixed = fixed; } var autoFixedHandle = function(){ var $window = $(window); var top = $window.scrollTop(); if (!settings.toolbarAutoFixed) { return false; } if (top - editor.offset().top > 10 && top < editor.height()) { toolbar.css({ position : "fixed", width : editor.width() + "px", left : ($window.width() - editor.width()) / 2 + "px" }); } else { toolbar.css({ position : "absolute", width : "100%", left : 0 }); } }; if (!state.fullscreen && !state.preview && settings.toolbar && settings.toolbarAutoFixed) { $(window).bind("scroll", autoFixedHandle); } return this; }, /** * 配置和初始化工具栏 * Set toolbar and Initialization * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setToolbar : function() { var settings = this.settings; if(settings.readOnly) { return this; } var editor = this.editor; var preview = this.preview; var classPrefix = this.classPrefix; var toolbar = this.toolbar = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "toolbar"); if (settings.toolbar && toolbar.length < 1) { var toolbarHTML = "
    "; editor.append(toolbarHTML); toolbar = this.toolbar = editor.children("." + classPrefix + "toolbar"); } if (!settings.toolbar) { toolbar.hide(); return this; } toolbar.show(); var icons = (typeof settings.toolbarIcons === "function") ? settings.toolbarIcons() : ((typeof settings.toolbarIcons === "string") ? editormd.toolbarModes[settings.toolbarIcons] : settings.toolbarIcons); var toolbarMenu = toolbar.find("." + this.classPrefix + "menu"), menu = ""; var pullRight = false; for (var i = 0, len = icons.length; i < len; i++) { var name = icons[i]; if (name === "||") { pullRight = true; } else if (name === "|") { menu += "
  • |
  • "; } else { var isHeader = (/h(\d)/.test(name)); var index = name; if (name === "watch" && !settings.watch) { index = "unwatch"; } var title = settings.lang.toolbar[index]; var iconTexts = settings.toolbarIconTexts[index]; var iconClass = settings.toolbarIconsClass[index]; title = (typeof title === "undefined") ? "" : title; iconTexts = (typeof iconTexts === "undefined") ? "" : iconTexts; iconClass = (typeof iconClass === "undefined") ? "" : iconClass; var menuItem = pullRight ? "
  • " : "
  • "; if (typeof settings.toolbarCustomIcons[name] !== "undefined" && typeof settings.toolbarCustomIcons[name] !== "function") { menuItem += settings.toolbarCustomIcons[name]; } else { menuItem += ""; menuItem += ""+((isHeader) ? name.toUpperCase() : ( (iconClass === "") ? iconTexts : "") ) + ""; menuItem += ""; } menuItem += "
  • "; menu = pullRight ? menuItem + menu : menu + menuItem; } } toolbarMenu.html(menu); toolbarMenu.find("[title=\"Lowercase\"]").attr("title", settings.lang.toolbar.lowercase); toolbarMenu.find("[title=\"ucwords\"]").attr("title", settings.lang.toolbar.ucwords); this.setToolbarHandler(); this.setToolbarAutoFixed(); return this; }, /** * 工具栏图标事件处理对象序列 * Get toolbar icons event handlers * * @param {Object} cm CodeMirror的实例对象 * @param {String} name 要获取的事件处理器名称 * @returns {Object} 返回处理对象序列 */ dialogLockScreen : function() { $.proxy(editormd.dialogLockScreen, this)(); return this; }, dialogShowMask : function(dialog) { $.proxy(editormd.dialogShowMask, this)(dialog); return this; }, getToolbarHandles : function(name) { var toolbarHandlers = this.toolbarHandlers = editormd.toolbarHandlers; return (name && typeof toolbarIconHandlers[name] !== "undefined") ? toolbarHandlers[name] : toolbarHandlers; }, /** * 工具栏图标事件处理器 * Bind toolbar icons event handle * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ setToolbarHandler : function() { var _this = this; var settings = this.settings; if (!settings.toolbar || settings.readOnly) { return this; } var toolbar = this.toolbar; var cm = this.cm; var classPrefix = this.classPrefix; var toolbarIcons = this.toolbarIcons = toolbar.find("." + classPrefix + "menu > li > a"); var toolbarIconHandlers = this.getToolbarHandles(); toolbarIcons.bind(editormd.mouseOrTouch("click", "touchend"), function(event) { var icon = $(this).children(".fa"); var name = icon.attr("name"); var cursor = cm.getCursor(); var selection = cm.getSelection(); if (name === "") { return ; } _this.activeIcon = icon; if (typeof toolbarIconHandlers[name] !== "undefined") { $.proxy(toolbarIconHandlers[name], _this)(cm); } else { if (typeof settings.toolbarHandlers[name] !== "undefined") { $.proxy(settings.toolbarHandlers[name], _this)(cm, icon, cursor, selection); } } if (name !== "link" && name !== "reference-link" && name !== "image" && name !== "code-block" && name !== "preformatted-text" && name !== "watch" && name !== "preview" && name !== "search" && name !== "fullscreen" && name !== "info") { cm.focus(); } return false; }); return this; }, /** * 动态创建对话框 * Creating custom dialogs * * @param {Object} options 配置项键值对 Key/Value * @returns {dialog} 返回创建的dialog的jQuery实例对象 */ createDialog : function(options) { return $.proxy(editormd.createDialog, this)(options); }, /** * 创建关于Editor.md的对话框 * Create about Editor.md dialog * * @returns {editormd} 返回editormd的实例对象 */ createInfoDialog : function() { var _this = this;

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