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劳特伦 2017-08-08 浏览量:1943

  问题: 如何让这两份arduino代码合成为一份且能达到两份分别独立工作的效果?我有的开发板:UNO,mega2560,Due.

  项目描述:目前再做一个用arduino作为主控的正弦波逆变器,第一部分电路用arduino产生占空比互补的两路Pwm通过驱动电路给Mosfet经过变压器实现dc12v to dc350v的效果,第二部分电路dc350v输入到由另外两路互补sin码pwm控制H桥逆变逆变电路,经过变压器滤波后出来一个波形很好的正弦波。两部分电路经过两份Pwm产生的代码仿真结果均达到预期结果。

  问题描述: 目前有两份代码,第一份是用定时器控制9,10引脚输出电平相反的pwm波。如图





#include <TimerOne.h>

//#include "TimerOne.h"               // include TimerOne.h
#define low_battery_voltage 10.2               // define high battery voltage limit as 14.2
#define high_battery_voltage 14.4               // define low battery voltage limit as 10.2
int dutycycle = 0;               // Initailize duty cylce variable as integer data type
int sense_value =0;               // Initialize sense_value variable to capture the adc reading of battery voltage (range from 0 to 1023)
float battery_voltage = 0.0;               // Initialize battery_voltage variable as a float data type to convert sense_value to actual battery voltage
void battery_voltage_measurement()               // battery_voltage_measurement function starts
{ sense_value = (analogRead(A0));               // read battery voltage on pin A0 & capture that value in sense_value variable
                                             // {warning - arduino pin accept only upto 5v so don't forget to map upper 
                                             //  battery volatge i.e 14.2v to 5v using voltage divider resistor network}
 battery_voltage = sense_value * (14.4/1023.0);               // convert sense_value (0 to 1023) to range (0 to 14.2)
 if(battery_voltage < 14.4 && battery_voltage > 10.2) // if battery voltage is under limit i.e between 10.2 and 14.2 then dutycycle will be 150
          dutycycle = 512;
 else if(battery_voltage < 10.2 || battery_voltage > 14.4)              // if battery voltage is below 10.2v or above 14.2v , 
          dutycycle = 512;         //set the duty cycle to 0 and inverter will go in cutoff mode
}              // battery_voltage_measurement function ends                                                 
void setup()               // Setup function
  pinMode (1,OUTPUT);              // set pin 9 as an output pin for pwm
  pinMode (1,OUTPUT);             // set pin 10 as an output pin for pwm 
  Timer1.initialize(20000);             // Initailize timer1 time period as 20 milli second (50 Hz frequency)
  Timer1.attachInterrupt(battery_voltage_measurement);      // battery_voltage_measurement function will be executed every 20 milli second using timer 1 overflow interrupt
  TCCR1A = (TCCR1A & 0x0F) | 0xB0 ;             // set pin 10 inverted of pin 9

 void loop()              // loop function starts
  Timer1.pwm(9,dutycycle,20000);              // Timer1.pwm function takes argument as (pin no. , dutycycle , time period)
}               // loop function ends

int i=0;
int x=0;
int OK=0;
int sinPWM[]={1,2,5,7,10,12,15,17,19,22,24,27,30,32,34,37,39,42,













//First value is 1 because we want to reduce the dead time betwen half cycles of sine signal.

//To write the duty cycles we will use OCR0A and OCR0B for timer 0(pins  5 and 6), that means for one half cycle OCR0A will be equal with every component of vector myPWM and for other half cycle OCR0B will do that-see the post with Timer 0.

//With the program below we generate phase correct signal at a 31372 Hz and 100 duty cycle(is between 0 and 255 on Timer 0).

void setup() {
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
cli();// stop interrupts
TCCR0A=0;//reset the value
TCCR0B=0;//reset the value
TCNT0=0;//reset the value
//0b allow me to write bits in binary
TCCR0A=0b10100001;//phase correct pwm mode
TCCR0B=0b00000001; //no prescaler
TCCR1A=0;//reset the value
TCCR1B=0;//reset the value
TCNT1=0;//reset the value
OCR1A=509;// compare match value
TCCR1B=0b00001001; //WGM12 bit is 1 and no prescaler

TIMSK1 |=(1 << OCIE1A);

sei();// enable interrupts
ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect){// interrupt when timer 1 match with OCR1A value
if(i>313 && OK==0){// final value from vector for pin 6
i=0;// go to first value of vector
OK=1;//enable pin 5
if(i>313 && OK==1){// final value from vector for pin 5
i=0;//go to firs value of vector
OK=0;//enable pin 6
x=sinPWM[i];// x take the value from vector corresponding to position i(i is zero indexed)
i=i+1;// go to the next position
OCR0B=0;//make pin 5 0
OCR0A=128;//enable pin 6 to corresponding duty cycle
OCR0A=0;//make pin 6 0
OCR0B=128;//enable pin 5 to corresponding duty cycle
void loop() {


0 0 收起


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所有亮答 数量:3
  • 额。。。是有点难,搞了半天还是不行,想用3525代替两路了。。。

  • 如果两个程序合一块你就要改改结构了

  • 这种程序一般都要重写,可以复制部分代码,但框架要重新构建
电子老工程师 回复了 :1.BUK6Y24-40PX 不是完全替代,有货,但是参数没有原型号参数高。 2.PSMN8R2-80YS,115,不是完全替代,这个电流大 回复


