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  问题: 如何让这两份arduino代码合成为一份且能达到两份分别独立工作的效果?我有的开发板:UNO,mega2560,Due.  项目描述:目前再做一个用arduino作为主控的正弦波逆变器,第一部分电路用arduino产生占空比互补的两路Pwm通过驱动电路给Mosfet经过变压器实现dc12v to dc350v的效果,第二部分电路dc350v输入到由另外两路互补sin码pwm控制H桥逆变逆变电路,经过变压器滤波后出来一个波形很好的正弦波。两部分电路经过两份Pwm产生的代码仿真结果均达到预期结果。  问题描述: 目前有两份代码,第一份是用定时器控制9,10引脚输出电平相反的pwm波。如图   第二份是用定时器控制5,6引脚输出通过频率计算sin数组的pwm波,经过H桥逆变成为正弦波,如图但是两份代码好像都用到了定时器1,当他们一起工作时仅仅只有第5脚输出了之前单独测试的波形,因为本人水平有限,没能搞清这两份代码之间具体的冲突细节在哪,想请各位能够帮忙修改一下代码,使两份能合成为一份能输出4路电路需要的pwm波从而使电路能够正常工作达到12v直流电逆变为220v50Hz正弦交流电的目的​,开发板可以从我有的三种里任选(如果UNO满足不了硬件需要的话),如果实在不能用一个处理器来完成这些事的话能否采用双处理器的方式来完成?第一份代码#include <TimerOne.h> //#include "TimerOne.h" // include TimerOne.h #define low_battery_voltage 10.2 // define high battery voltage limit as 14.2 #define high_battery_voltage 14.4 // define low battery voltage limit as 10.2 int dutycycle = 0; // Initailize duty cylce variable as integer data type int sense_value =0; // Initialize sense_value variable to capture the adc reading of battery voltage (range from 0 to 1023) float battery_voltage = 0.0; // Initialize battery_voltage variable as a float data type to convert sense_value to actual battery voltage void battery_voltage_measurement() // battery_voltage_measurement function starts { sense_value = (analogRead(A0)); // read battery voltage on pin A0 & capture that value in sense_value variable // {warning - arduino pin accept only upto 5v so don't forget to map upper // battery volatge i.e 14.2v to 5v using voltage divider resistor network} battery_voltage = sense_value * (14.4/1023.0); // convert sense_value (0 to 1023) to range (0 to 14.2) if(battery_voltage < 14.4 && battery_voltage > 10.2) // if battery voltage is under limit i.e between 10.2 and 14.2 then dutycycle will be 150 { dutycycle = 512; } else if(battery_voltage < 10.2 || battery_voltage > 14.4) // if battery voltage is below 10.2v or above 14.2v , { dutycycle = 512; //set the duty cycle to 0 and inverter will go in cutoff mode } } // battery_voltage_measurement function ends void setup() // Setup function { pinMode (1,OUTPUT); // set pin 9 as an output pin for pwm pinMode (1,OUTPUT); // set pin 10 as an output pin for pwm Timer1.initialize(20000); // Initailize timer1 time period as 20 milli second (50 Hz frequency) Timer1.attachInterrupt(battery_voltage_measurement); // battery_voltage_measurement function will be executed every 20 milli second using timer 1 overflow interrupt TCCR1A = (TCCR1A & 0x0F) | 0xB0 ; // set pin 10 inverted of pin 9 } void loop() // loop function starts { Timer1.pwm(9,dutycycle,20000); // Timer1.pwm function takes argument as (pin no. , dutycycle , time period) Timer1.pwm(10,1023-dutycycle,20000); } // loop function ends第二份代码int i=0; int x=0; int OK=0; int sinPWM[]={1,2,5,7,10,12,15,17,19,22,24,27,30,32,34,37,39,42, 44,47,49,52,54,57,59,61,64,66,69,71,73,76,78,80,83,85,88,90,92,94,97,99, 101,103,106,108,110,113,115,117,119,121,124,126,128,130,132,134,136,138,140,142,144,146, 148,150,152,154,156,158,160,162,164,166,168,169,171,173,175,177,178,180,182,184,185,187,188,190,192,193, 195,196,198,199,201,202,204,205,207,208,209,211,212,213,215,216,217,219,220,221,222,223,224,225,226,227, 228,229,230,231,232,233,234,235,236,237,237,238,239,240,240,241,242,242,243,243,244,244,245,245,246,246, 247,247,247,248,248,248,248,249,249,249,249,249,250,250,250,250,249,249,249,249,249,248, 248,248,248,247,247,247,246,246,245,245,244,244,243,243,242,242,241,240,240,239,238,237,237,236,235,234, 233,232,231,230,229,228,227,226,225,224,223,222,221,220,219,217,216,215,213,212,211,209,208,207,205,204, 202,201,199,198,196,195,193,192,190,188,187,185,184,182,180,178,177,175,173,171,169,168,166,164,162,160, 158,156,154,152,150,148,146,144,142,140,138,136,134,132,130,128,126,124,121,119,117,115,113,110,108,106, 103,101,99,97,94,92,90,88,85,83,80,78,76,73,71,69,66,64,61,59,57,54,52,49,47,44,42,39,37,34,32,30, 27,24,22,19,17,15,12,10,7,5,2,1}; //First value is 1 because we want to reduce the dead time betwen half cycles of sine signal. //To write the duty cycles we will use OCR0A and OCR0B for timer 0(pins 5 and 6), that means for one half cycle OCR0A will be equal with every component of vector myPWM and for other half cycle OCR0B will do that-see the post with Timer 0. //With the program below we generate phase correct signal at a 31372 Hz and 100 duty cycle(is between 0 and 255 on Timer 0). void setup() { pinMode(5, OUTPUT); pinMode(6,OUTPUT); cli();// stop interrupts TCCR0A=0;//reset the value TCCR0B=0;//reset the value TCNT0=0;//reset the value //0b allow me to write bits in binary TCCR0A=0b10100001;//phase correct pwm mode TCCR0B=0b00000001; //no prescaler TCCR1A=0;//reset the value TCCR1B=0;//reset the value TCNT1=0;//reset the value OCR1A=509;// compare match value TCCR1B=0b00001001; //WGM12 bit is 1 and no prescaler TIMSK1 |=(1 << OCIE1A); sei();// enable interrupts } ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect){// interrupt when timer 1 match with OCR1A value if(i>313 && OK==0){// final value from vector for pin 6 i=0;// go to first value of vector OK=1;//enable pin 5 } if(i>313 && OK==1){// final value from vector for pin 5 i=0;//go to firs value of vector OK=0;//enable pin 6 } x=sinPWM[i];// x take the value from vector corresponding to position i(i is zero indexed) i=i+1;// go to the next position if(OK==0){ OCR0B=0;//make pin 5 0 OCR0A=128;//enable pin 6 to corresponding duty cycle } if(OK==1){ OCR0A=0;//make pin 6 0 OCR0B=128;//enable pin 5 to corresponding duty cycle } } void loop() { }



ESP8266 Oled Driver库烧进nodemc不亮

github源码地址:https://github.com/squix78/esp8266-oled-ssd1306库的相关使用说明:https://github.com/squix78/esp8266-oled-ssd1306/blob/master/README.md用的这个库里面的example里的SSD1306DrawingDemo例子给nodemcu烧录,oled无任何显示,主函数里加闪灯函数验证过程序的确是烧进去了,但是Oled不亮,请问要怎么使用才能让oled能有正确显示,我用的普通的SSC1306oled连线没有错误,oled用arduino板子测试过正常,iic地址是0x3c。但是到了nodemcu程序编译通过,上传也成功,就是Oled无显示,要怎么办。。。(注意是用arduino ide烧录给nodemcu驱动oled,oled无显示)


void loop()  {    while(1){ if(Serial.available())//蓝牙连接成功  { BT_COM=Serial.read();   switch(BT_COM)   {     case\'1\': buzzeron();     break;     case\'0\':buzzeroff();     break;    }}   else{        buzzeron();   }} } 代码如下,只是蓝牙没连接时执行else,连接后还是在执行else,怎么让它跳出来执行if里面的语句?